Asteroid Discovery From 1980 – 2010

This is just soooooo cool… I noticed that I can’t get the video to show the year and number of the asteroids so click on the ‘Watch youtube’ to get the full picture if you are interested.

Video Created by Scott Manley, this is a view of the solar system showing the locations of all the asteroids starting in 1980, as asteroids are discovered they are added to the map and highlighted white so you can pick out the new ones.

The final colour of an asteroids indicates how closely it comes to the inner solar system.

Earth Crossers are Red

Earth Approachers (Perihelion less than 1.3AU) are Yellow

All Others are Green

via YouTube – Asteroid Discovery From 1980 – 2010.

About Rincewind

Love my vintage pinups, burlesque, smoking fetish and weirdness. Swedish person lived in Sweden, London and now Prague. Love moving around, metting new people. Open your mind for new experiences.

Posted on September 15, 2010, in Mixed stuff and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Good grief, that was awesome! I wish I’d had this when I did my Why A Space Program? post. 😀

    • yeah I know what you mean, the quite interesting part is that it’s not done by NASA but by a university, NASA should have thought to do this kinda video to show off more.

  1. Pingback: Recent Asteroid Discoveries Prove Need For Robust Space Program | I Want Ice Water

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