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What I did today…

Woke up 6.30am, beautiful weather outside, sun and more sun.

Made coffee, placed my ass on the porch and sipped coffee and smoked a cigarette.

Went inside and read blogs, found the blog post of the beautiful Milfee which made me gasp and in need of clean hankies Embarrassed smile

Photo0211Took my book out (re-reading Robert Jordans Dragon Reborn series) and ventured outside. Had a cup of coffee and a cigarette by the canal where I live. Read some more and enjoyed watching people strolling by. Paid my coffee, doesn’t it feel good when people actually allow you to drink your coffee without having to pay for it first, makes me believe in human kind again.

Walked by the canal and sat down on a parkbench. And just sat there for one hour, doing nothing but just enjoying the peace and quiet. What a perfect day.

Photo0092Am now ready to venture out to London town to the bustle and rush but will be quite good, have to see some hotel, been there before but it has such an amazing view of London and St Paul Cathedral from their roof terrace. Last time I was there I was enjoying a lot of wine/whisky/beer and think I might have had some food even (nuts…).  Smile 

<< Yes thats me enjoying the beer and whisky in one go…



Hope you all had a great weekend and that it continues today.