White men…

Do check out http://sandandglass.tumblr.com for more.. love the Daily Show and Colbert take on this. It does make me feel a tiny bit bad about my colour…




About Rincewind

Love my vintage pinups, burlesque, smoking fetish and weirdness. Swedish person lived in Sweden, London and now Prague. Love moving around, metting new people. Open your mind for new experiences.

Posted on August 14, 2013, in Humour, Misc pictures and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Sad but true my friend… 😕

    Thanks for the Tumblr connect! 😀

  2. Look at the percentage of stops that lead to an arrest: 6 percent. Think about that a moment. This is a neighborhood where one in every 17 people are doing something, or carrying something illegal upon being frisked. Just randomly walking down the street, that many people are breaking the law. Good luck accomplishing that in my neighborhood.

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