Monthly Archives: May 2012

Todays pinup

sexy black and white pinup

Photographer: Peter ODefey


What I did today…

Woke up 6.30am, beautiful weather outside, sun and more sun.

Made coffee, placed my ass on the porch and sipped coffee and smoked a cigarette.

Went inside and read blogs, found the blog post of the beautiful Milfee which made me gasp and in need of clean hankies Embarrassed smile

Photo0211Took my book out (re-reading Robert Jordans Dragon Reborn series) and ventured outside. Had a cup of coffee and a cigarette by the canal where I live. Read some more and enjoyed watching people strolling by. Paid my coffee, doesn’t it feel good when people actually allow you to drink your coffee without having to pay for it first, makes me believe in human kind again.

Walked by the canal and sat down on a parkbench. And just sat there for one hour, doing nothing but just enjoying the peace and quiet. What a perfect day.

Photo0092Am now ready to venture out to London town to the bustle and rush but will be quite good, have to see some hotel, been there before but it has such an amazing view of London and St Paul Cathedral from their roof terrace. Last time I was there I was enjoying a lot of wine/whisky/beer and think I might have had some food even (nuts…).  Smile 

<< Yes thats me enjoying the beer and whisky in one go…



Hope you all had a great weekend and that it continues today.

Lip service


So much information by just watching the mouth alone… I want to snog this person for sure…

Oh what a smile…

Out on the field

I so wish I had some farmland where I might accidently stumble upon a girl like this…

out on the fields

Woman in red

Red is such an amazing colour on a girl, makes the girl stand out more.

hot sexy girl on parkbench

I see people reading books, drinking or just sitting at the park benches but nothing like this has ever graced any park bench around my neighbourhood…

woman in red

Swedish Ingénue Amanda Mair ‘Sense’

The future is looking Super Nova bright for this über-talented girl from Stockholm, Sweden with the voice of an angel.  The 17-year-old wunderkind – who began playing music at age four (she plays piano, bass, guitar, and drums but piano is her instrument of choice) – was discovered by pure coincidence when her music made its way to a Labrador exec before she even had a MySpace page or played in front of an audience.

read more at Blurpy

Todays pinup Angela Ryan

angela ryan

Todays pinup Latex style

latex pinup

Somehow this latex outfits does get me some vintage feeling a la pinup.

Beautiful drawing

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Michelle Trachtenberg in FHM Magazine

You probably remember her from Buffy but she has grown up since then, still the same face which is slightly creepy but her body has filled up in amazingly nice proportions. One sexy girl as she shows in FHM Magazine


Read the rest of this entry

Cafe love

I so love my coffee shops, just to sit down with a book or maybe just looking around at all the people around you while sipping a perfectly made black as hell coffee.

at the cafe

Cafe Poems IV

gurgle, hiss relentlessly
to the click of cups
and clank of clogs
dragging on wooden planks

interjected by nasal drone
of one man expressing his

silence ensued when
old man with thick grey
mustache walked by
in s l o w m o t i o n
armed with a Caffe Latte

the jazz vocals struggle
to keep up with
sudden sharp ringing
of cellular phone
and the knocks of espresso filter
on countertop

jet black pulled into a rich pony tail
another draped in natural twirls
while the blonde’s smitten eyes
speak to frizzy curls

jet black picks out her gelato
and the march begins

so i sip my diluted iced coffee
and wish i could kiss the lips
of jet black with the innocent eyes.

>> Poem from Then Came rain…


Sex as understood by adolescent boys

Thanks to I want Ice Water for finding this one, sorry mate if you were going to post it as well but if you do, I think your readers will enjoy it as well…

Todays pinup

RHM Photography

Model Name: Tiffany Boyle
Photographer: RHM Photography

Guestblog: Gillian Colbert

There is so many superb blogs around on WordPress and the net so in hope that people want to find new ones, I thought I might do a post now and then about my favourites out there…

The first one up is Gillian Colbert and her blog Black Door Press

One amazing blogger who has a superb mix of erotic novels, poetry and sexy pictures. But she is also not afraid to talk about herself. So if you feel like you want to enjoy some clever writing I can promise you a brilliant time on her blog.

In her own words:

Gillian Colbert

25868b428f97c78d4a374a7e07108e42Gillian Colbert discovered writing later in life, but is now addicted to words, syllables and phrases. She loves books and stories of all shapes, sizes and genres, but most of all Gillian loves to write about people overcoming their insecurities and finding their mate. After all, risk and passion are what make life worth living.
In her spare time, Gillian is a mother and dog owner. Her two Pitbulls have proven to be a love story in and of themselves. Every day, their affection and bond grows and deepens. In truth, their deep canine affection with its angst, joy, play and encouragement is inspiration for Gillian. Everyone should love so purely.

“The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.” – Gustave Flaubert


So here comes my lucky number 5 randomized posts from her blog (except for the 1st one which is always going to be the 1st blog post they’ve made).

Her 1st post:

The Art of Writing Smut

“… For me, when I’m writing the sex scenes, I know I’ve got it right when I also respond to what I’m writing. If the scene I just wrote left me flat, I delete it and start again. Sex is not purely physical. A huge part of it is mental and emotional. I don’t care how physically stimulating sex is, if I can’t get my mind off the chores or the grocery list, nothing is going to happen.

As an author, I believe it is my job to capture the reader’s imagination. To make them a voyeur into the lives of the characters I’m writing about. I can only do that if I engage their senses along with their imagination. By its very nature, that means that my own are engaged as well. Some of my favorite scenes left me breathless and edgy.

I guess, in all, what I’m trying to say is if you aren’t emotionally and sensually engaged in the telling of the story, how can your audience be engaged in the reading? All writing should be self-seductive into what ever state of mind is called for.”

>> Read more…

My Bitch Card Has Been Revoked

For the vast majority of my life, I’ve been able to turn on my “Bitch” at a moment’s notice. She was always in my back pocket ready to shield me from the assholes and dickheads of the world waiting to step on my Magic Shell® coated heart. I relied on her to stand between me and the hurt feelings I was so determined to avoid.

I looked for her tonight. I couldn’t find her.

>> Read more…


Gillian’s Sexual Bucket List
…  My one and only item on my bucket list is to find a man whom I trust and respect enough to offer him my mind, body and heart with no reservation. Who cares enough for me that he will take my gift and reshape it in such a fashion that I am only improved for it. Whose domination of me is the symbiosis of my submission and therefore we are nothing but synergistic together. My sexual submission to this man will determine every experience thereafter.

I will be his to shape, his to master, his to play. The song I sing with my pleasured sighs and pained orgasmic cries will be his to conduct. I will be the instrument of his pleasure and he will tune me as he sees fit. The resulting melody we make is all the satisfaction I’ll need.

>> Read more…

The Fallacy of a Woman’s Sexual Prime


At thirty-eight years old, I am supposedly entering my sexual prime. Now, I admit that I’ve become possessed by the hormones of an adolescent teenager and have sex on the brain a ridiculous amount of the time. However, I also notice a proportional rise in my desire to have another baby before I run out of time and then it hit me. The “sexual prime” for a woman is really just sneaky biology trying to get that last ditch effort in to use your eggs before they expire for good.

What better way to get you to fulfill your biological imperative to contribute to the survival of the human race through procreation than by creating in you a simultaneous urge to fuck your everlovin brains out. More bang for the buck so to speak. Or should it be more bang in the fuck??? I know that kind of sucked, but I’m in a “seriously bad pun” mood. *heehee*

>> Read more…

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Mind Trip Visions

My gaze falls on the page
I want desperately
to write something sage,
poignant or profound

Words bounce ’round
my brain. Struggling
in vain for release

There’ll be no peace
in me until all can see
this poem picture
of mind trip visions

That lays siege
to this mental stricture
imposed by my insecurity

By my desperation
to achieve poetic purity

That perfect translation
of image, scent and touch

I don’t think I’m asking too much

A blank canvas layered in ink,
syllables and words

A symbiosis of thought
and expression

My nerves stretch tight
I sink towards depression

I’ve tried with all my might
but now must concede
else watch my picture recede
from my perception

I guess I’ll have to be satisfied
with perfect imperfection.

>> Read it here…

Black latex

black latex

Bachelor bondage queen

I guess even Bondage queens has to have a degree in proper way to tie someone up…


ps, I did not put that star there… Sad smile

Lucky Strike Special Ed. Vargas style

lucky strike special ed w Alberto Vargas pinup

to see more of Alberto Vargas cool pinup art, click here.

The Siren

bw siren

BW siren by ~Umrae-Thara

Things never seen before…

I’m so interested in what’s inside there…

show me